Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fresh Collard Greens

I LOVE living in the south!!!!  We have access to fresh vegetables almost year round.  This time of year, it’s GREENS.  I love greens.   And of course, every self-respecting Southern Lady has her own recipe and they are all so different in many ways.  I’m sharing mine, because this is how I like to eat my greens!! 

I bought these 2 big bunches of Collard Greens for just $2. 

Once I get them home, I take them apart remove the stems from each leaves.  I soak them in in cold water to wash off any dirt.  Then I take the leaves and tear them up and put them in a tall stockpot.

I cover the greens with 4 cups of good chicken broth and the remaining (no more than 4 cups) with water.

Now here’s how I season them.

2 Tbs of Bacon Grease  -(below is an alternative to the bacon grease)
1 Tbs of Salt
1 Tbs of Pepper  - (I like my greens spicy, If you don’t I strongly suggest you only use cut the pepper in half)
1tsp. of garlic powder & seasoning salt

Bring to a boil and then cook on a simmer for about 90 mins.  

I like to eat these by them selves in a big bowl with a little pepper vinegar.  Here’s how I make my pepper vinegar:

Take fresh peppers – I grow cayenne every year so I use these.  Take off the stems.   Pack the fresh peppers into a jar or bottle you like.  I use old liquor bottles my most current one is a 750ml Captain Morgan bottle, but use what you like, make sure to split open several of the peppers so the seeds are exposed in the bottle.  Not too many if you don’t like a lot of spice.  Then fill the bottle with apple cider vinegar to cover the peppers.   
Let sit a few days then use as you wish. 

Hope you enjoy your greens!!

Don’t like bacon grease, here’s a few other seasoning options.  Now I will tell you traditionally southerners have use fatback or hambones for years in their greens.   Healthier choices include smoked turkey wings, onions or even beef bouillon.   All of these are tasty too.  

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